Buy Cyber Security: Working remotely Course - WWISE


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    Cyber Security: Working remotely

    Certificate Approved by WWISE
    Course Duration
    104.40 Minutes
    12 months access

    Course Summary

    Designed specifically for remote workers, this interactive module details networking essentials and best security practices to help keep remote personnel secure. This interactive module shows learners how to implement many of the same network protections at home that IT staff use at the office as well as introduces common information security risks found when traveling abroad.

    Who Should Attend?

    Individuals in every industry such as healthcare workers, managers, educators, manufacturing industry, government, military, and executives.

    Course Objectives

    • Contributing as a virtual team member
    • Encouraging team communication and collaboration
    • Facing virtual team challenges
    • Maximize your productivity by managing time and tasks
    • Overcoming virtual team conflict
    • Organize your physical and digital workspace
    • Reaching goals using perseverance and resilience
    • Staying balanced in a shifting world
    • Take a deep breath and manage your stress
    • Writing effective e-mails and instant messages

    Course Modules

    1. Need to Know: Working Remotely
    2. Working Remotely
    3. WORKed Episode 10: Travel Stories
    4. Securing Home Networks and Devices
    5. International Travel Security
    6. Working Remotely for Managers
    7. Working Remotely for Executives
    8. Working Remotely for Healthcare Professionals and Providers
    9. Working Remotely for Healthcare Executives
    10. Working Remotely for Healthcare Managers
    11. Working Remotely for Financial Institutions
    12. Working Remotely for Educators


    • Less commuting time.
    • More autonomy.
    • Greater flexibility.
    • Better work–life balance.
    • Higher productivity.
    • Increased motivation.
    • Reduced staff turnover.
    • Reduced need for office space


    We’ve made it simple to access your interactive assessments directly in your online learning journey, by embedding them as part of the module.
