Uncategorised Archives - WWise ISO e-Learning


Weʼre Giving Away an ISO 50001 Handbook, Quality in Project Management and Quality Costing Video

    Personalised ISO e-Learning experiences for your teams

    Personalised ISO e-Learning experiences for your teams

    When it comes to ISO e-learning training, it can easily become a challenge to keep teams engaged as international standards can be difficult to understand. In today’s digital age where everything is focused on short clips, keeping someone’s attention is...
    The ROI of ISO online training in supporting compliance

    The ROI of ISO online training in supporting compliance

    Being legally compliant is essential for any industry although regulatory conformance may also play a big role in day-to-day processes. Non-conformances within most organisations is a reflection of the lack of processes in place. Every employee is responsible for...
    Overcoming challenges & improving IT Governance with e-Learning

    Overcoming challenges & improving IT Governance with e-Learning

    When it comes to streamlining IT processes, efficient and successful IT governance is essential. Effectively implementing IT processes is essential to optimising results, investments, operations and to align with legal and regulatory compliance related to information...
    Gamification in ISO Training, Turning Conformance into a Challenge

    Gamification in ISO Training, Turning Conformance into a Challenge

    We know that every organisation is constantly on the lookout for new and improved ways of providing training to effective teams. The struggle to continuously engage team members when it comes to mandatory training can be a challenge. Next to microlearning,...
    Microlearning ISO Training Strategies for Macro Impact

    Microlearning ISO Training Strategies for Macro Impact

    All organisations face a similar issue: the lack of attention span among employees. This has created a bigger challenge of keeping delegates engaged during ISO training. Due to the demands in the workplace multitasking has become the norm and focusing on one activity...
    Implementing Environmental Management Systems

    Implementing Environmental Management Systems

    Environmental sustainability is at the forefront of current plans across various industries. Managing your organisation’s environmental impact is essential to stay ahead and competitive. This is why the ISO 14001:2015 standard is essential, the standard provides...