Microlearning ISO Training Strategies for Macro Impact - WWise ISO e-Learning


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    All organisations face a similar issue: the lack of attention span among employees. This has created a bigger challenge of keeping delegates engaged during ISO training. Due to the demands in the workplace multitasking has become the norm and focusing on one activity is a luxury.

    Bite-sized learning is the approach of breaking down information into easily digestible 1–10-minute sessions instead of long and boring lectures. This keeps delegates engaged and enables learning and skill development to take place at a quicker rate.

    Microlearning to Better Support Your Team

    With the accelerated pace of information, learners are not interested in waiting for context, they want answers, this is where bite-sized microlearning comes in. Microlearning better supports your delegates not only through quick completion but also through its streamlined approach. All fluff is removed, and content is tailored into a structure that focuses on one learning objective at a time.

    This approach ensures that your delegates can have a strong grasp on fundamental and advanced ISO topics with focused learning sprints.

    Advantages of Bite Sized ISO Training

    Here are just some of the benefits your delegates will receive during our online microlearning training:

    1. Reinforced Learning

    Our online training enables your delegates to absorb and implement training material through space repetition and engagement during sprints.

    According to Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve, delegates often forget up to 50% of what they learn in class and up to 90% within a month.

    Microlearning has proven to be an effective remedy as the training is in short and engaging snippets ensuring they are memorable and continuously reinforce previously learned knowledge.

    2. Greater Satisfaction

    Our online courses have been designed to be efficient and easily accessible even on mobile. Our segmented modules make it easy for delegates to navigate if they need to redo a lesson or are looking for specific answers.

    This is one of the biggest reasons shorter lessons are preferred, even if there are more modules overall.

    3. Improved Engagement

    By providing shorter sessions online delegates are less likely to become overwhelmed with information and makes it easier to focus on specific lessons and ideas that each delegate might be struggling with.

    Easily digestible sessions ensure our courses only focus on essential skills and ensure your delegates do not waste time on non-essential details or activities.

    4. Better Time and Resource Management

    By investing in microlearning training for your delegates you save time and money in the long run.

    This is through:

    • Delegates completing courses faster.
    • Providing training available 24/7 at the palm of your delegate’s hand.
    • Our courses are continuously being updated.
    • Our online training eliminates the need for a physical classroom space, instructors, and travel costs for ISO training.

    Our Microlearning Approach to ISO Training

    On our eLearning platform we set out to ensure all your delegates will have access to the training they need to best perform their tasks and responsibilities related to your ISO Management System.

    To do this we have implemented:

    • Bite-sized video lessons and notes.
    • Learning modules available on mobile for easier accessibility.
    • Introduced gamified elements to keep delegates engaged.
    • Our assessments enable reinforced learning over time.

    The WWISE Training Hub

    Our online training hub provides training on various ISO standards. All training starts on Awareness level with some ISO standard training going all the way up to Lead Auditor.

    Our most popular online courses are for:

    Have any questions about which training is best for your team? Reach out to one of our ISO experts today on 012 644 0142 or email us at admin@wwise.co.za.