WWISE e-Learning: SHEQ Training Courses | SHEQ Training


Weʼre Giving Away an ISO 50001 Handbook, Quality in Project Management and Quality Costing Video

    When your organisation needs SHEQ Representative and Implementation training, WWISE’s e-Learning portal offers a feasible solution! This online portal can serve as a valuable resource for businesses of any size and operating in any industry – offering 138 courses to choose from. This wide selection of courses covers ISO courses, auditing toolkits, and Management System templates to give your organisation the means to come to grips with various ISO Standards and how their respective Management Systems can give you the competitive edge in your industry. Today, we will discuss our SHEQ training courses and their specifics.

    The SHEQ Implementation Course

    SHEQ covers various pivotal elements of a successful business – Occupational Health & Safety, Environmental, and Quality. Risk is also part of the equation, as sustainable businesses benefit from consistent risk assessment. WWISE specialises in developing and implementing Management Systems that are based on the frameworks of relevant ISO Standards. Our SHEQ Implementation training course delivers a comprehensive module that includes relevant ISO Standards – ISO 9001:2015 (Quality); ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental); ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety); and ISO 31000:2018 (Risk Assessment and Management).

    Our SHEQ Implementation training course gives delegates an all-inclusive overview of these ISO Standards – discussing crucial elements of all 4 ISO Standards and their specific requirements. Therefore, delegates will gain an understanding of how to implement various Management Systems and prepare the organisation for audits. This course is designed to be attended by newly elected SHEQ representatives within an organisation, current SHEQ representatives, contractors, and committee members. If successfully completed, the delegates will be able to explain and document structured workplace inspections to deliver their findings and report their observations to a SHEQ committee to be submitted to management for corrective action to improve Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace.

    The SHEQ Representative Course

    The SHEQ representative training course is a perfect solution to ensure that your organisation’s SHEQ representative(s) can fully understand their objectives and requirements for their appointed duties within your organisation. Delegates will also be taught how to implement and monitor various legislative procedures to promote Occupational Health & Safety and manage any related incidents. This SHEQ training course is specifically designed for employees who carry SHEQ-related responsibilities and Health and Safety representatives.

    WWISE e-Learning is your first choice when your organisation needs professional and efficient SHEQ training. Our online portal can be used as a valuable educational tool to serve as a sensible resource for SHEQ representatives and implementation. Please browse our website for details on our available online courses or contact us directly with any enquiries on our SHEQ training courses today.